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一、The earlier the better

在英语中,越早越好可以直接翻译为“The earlier the better”。这种表达方式是非常常见的,并且用于许多不同的情境中。无论是想要提醒别人赶紧办事,还是在告诉别人一个好的决策需要尽早实施,这个短语都是非常有用的。以下是几个例句:

– The earlier you start studying for your exams, the better your chances of success.
– If you want to learn a new language, the earlier you start, the better.
– It\’s important to save for retirement early – the earlier you start, the better.

二、The sooner, the better

除了使用“The earlier the better”之外,我们还可以使用“The sooner, the better”来表达相同的含义。这种表达方式可以看作是“The earlier the better”的近义词,也经常用于让别人趁早采取行动的情况。以下是几个例句:

– The sooner we leave, the sooner we\’ll arrive at our destination.
– If you\’re feeling sick, you should see a doctor sooner rather than later.
– The sooner you start saving money, the better off you\’ll be in the long run.

三、Don\’t put it off

除了以上两种常见的表达方式之外,我们还可以使用“Don\’t put it off”来表达越早越好的意思。这个短语通常用于告诉别人别拖延,尽早采取行动。以下是几个例句:

– Don\’t put off studying for your exams – start now and give yourself plenty of time to prepare.
– If you\’re thinking about taking a trip, don\’t put it off – book your tickets today.
– Don\’t put off seeing the dentist – it\’s important to take care of your teeth as soon as possible.

四、Act now

除了“Don\’t put it off”之外,我们还可以使用“Act now”来表示越早越好的意思。这个短语通常用于表示某个行动需要立即执行。以下是几个例句:

– If you want to take advantage of this offer, you need to act now – it expires at midnight tonight.
– If you think you might have a medical issue, it\’s important to act now and talk to your doctor.
– If you\’re interested in signing up for this course, act now – there are only a few spots left.

五、Make haste

最后,我们还可以使用“Make haste”来表达越早越好的含义。这个短语通常用于表示某个行动需要尽快完成。以下是几个例句:

– The deadline for this project is approaching – we need to make haste and get it done.
– If you want to catch the train, you\’ll need to make haste – it leaves in 5 minutes.
– If you want to take advant
age of the sale, you\’ll need to make haste – it ends today.


关于作者: acad2018



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