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A: Hi, my name is Alice. What\’s your name?

B: Nice to meet you, Alice. My name is Bob. And this is Cindy.

C: Hi, Alice. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you both. Where are you from?

B: I\’m from America. How about you?

C: I\’m from China.

A: Oh, that\’s interesting. How long have you been in America, Bob?

B: I\’ve been here for three months. What about you, Cindy?

C: I\’ve been here for two years.

A: Wow, you speak English very well, Cindy.

C: Thank you. I\’ve been practicing for a long time.

B: Alice, have you been to any interesting places in America?

A: Yes, I went to New York last month. It was amazing.

C: I\’ve never been to New York. What did you do there?

A: I visited the Statue of Liberty and went shopping in Times Square.

B: That sounds like fun.

A: It was. Have you guys been to any famous places in China?

B: No, but I would love to visit the Great Wall one day.

C: The Great Wall is beautiful. I\’ve been there many times.

A: I would love to visit China someday.

C: You should come, there are many beautiful places to see.

B: Alice, do you like Chinese food?

A: Yes, I love it. Have you tried any Chinese dishes, Bob?

B: Yes, I tried dumplings when I was in China town. They were delicious.

C: Dumplings are one of my favorite foods.

A: I also like Kung Pao Chicken.

B: I\’ve never tried that before.

C: It\’s spicy but very tasty.

A: I\’ll have to try it someday.

B: Alice, do you like sports?

A: Yes, I love playing basketball and tennis.

C: I also enjoy playing basketball.

B: Do you guys watch any spo
rts on TV?

A: I like watching basketball games.

C: I like watching soccer matches.

B: I prefer watching football games.

A: What\’s your favorite team, Bob?

B: My favorite team is the New England Patriots.

C: I like Manchester United.

A: I don\’t really have a favorite team, but I enjoy watching the Olympics.

B: Speaking of the Olympics, have you guys been to any Olympic games?

C: Yes, I went to the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

A: That\’s amazing. What was your favorite event?

C: My favorite event was the diving competition.

B: I\’ve never been to an Olympic game, but I would love to go someday.

A: Maybe we can go to the next Olympics together.

C: That would be fun.

In conclusion, 英语场景对话三人简单三十句是我们日常生活中经常会用到的一些句型,无论是在旅游、工作还是日常交流中都非常实用。通过这个简单的对话练习,我们可以更加熟练地运用这些句型,更加自信地进行英语交流。

关于作者: acad2018



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