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1. May I have your attention, please? – 请大家注意一下。
2. Can I ask you a question? – 我可以问你一个问题吗?
3. Could you please repeat that? – 你能再重复一下吗?
4. I\’m sorry, I didn\’t catch that. – 很抱歉,我没听清楚。
5. Let me clarify, do you mean…? – 让我澄清一下,你的意思是…?

6. I need your assistance. – 我需要你的帮助。
7. Could you give me a hand? – 你能帮个忙吗?
8. Thanks for your cooperation. – 感谢你的合作。
9. I really appreciate your help. – 我非常感激你的帮助。
10. I owe you one. – 我欠你一个人情。

11. Sorry, I\’m tied up at the moment. – 很抱歉,我现在很忙。
12. I\’ll get back to you as soon as possible. – 我会尽快联系你的。
13. Could we schedule a meeting? – 我们可以安排个会议吗?
14. What\’s your availability next week? – 下周你什么时候有空?
15. Let\’s set a deadline for this project. – 让我们为这个项目设定个截止日期。

16. I would like to make a suggestion. – 我想提个建议。
17. Have you considered any alternatives? – 你考虑过其他选择吗?
18. Can we compromise on this issue? – 对于这个问题,我们能妥协吗?
19. Let\’s brainstorm some ideas. – 让我们集思广益一下。
20. We need to think outside the box. – 我们需要有创新思维。

21. It\’s time for a performance review. – 是时候进行绩效评估了。
22. I have some feedback for you. – 我有些反馈意见要给你。
23. You\’re doing a great job! – 你做得很棒!
24. Your work needs improvement. – 你的工作还需要改进。
25. I\’d like to recognize your achievements. – 我想认可你的成绩。

26. I\’ll take care of it. – 我会处理这个的。
27. This task is your responsibility. – 这个任务是你的责任。
28. Can you meet the deadline? – 你能按时完成吗?
29. We\’re falling behind schedule. – 我们进度落后了。
30. It\’s time to delegate some tasks. – 是时候分派任务了。

31. Let\’s have a team-building activity. – 让我们开展一次团队建设活动。
32. We need to enhance team communication. – 我们需要加强团队沟通。
33. How can we improve teamwork? – 我们如何才能提高团队合作?
34. Everyone\’s contribution is important. – 每个人的贡献都很重要。
35. Let\’s celebrate our success together. – 让我们一起庆祝成功。

36. I\’ll send you the agenda later. – 我稍后会给你发送议程。
37. Could you take the minutes of the meeting? – 你能记录会议纪要吗?
38. This is relevant to our discussion. – 这与我们的讨论相关。
39. I have a presentation scheduled for tomorrow. – 我明天有个演讲安排。
40. Let\’s go through the action items. – 让我们过一下行动事项。

41. We\’re experiencing technical difficulties. – 我们遇到了技术困难。
42. The system is down at the moment. – 系统暂时无法使用。
43. I\’ll forward you the email. – 我会把邮件转发给你。
44. Have you checked the spam folder? – 你有检查垃圾邮箱吗?
45. We need to our software. – 我们需要更新软件。

46. Can you make a reservation for me? – 你能帮我预订一下吗?
47. I\’ll book the flights and accommodation. – 我会订机票和住宿。
48. What\’s the dress code for the event? – 这个活动的着装要求是什么?
49. I\’ll arrange transportation for the team. – 我会安排团队的交通。
50. Are you available
for a business trip? – 你可以出差吗?

51. Let\’s be punctual for the meeting. – 让我们准时参加会议。
52. I have an appointment with a client. – 我和一个客户有个约会。
53. Can we reschedule the meeting? – 我们能改期会议吗?
54. Sorry, I forgot to bring my laptop. – 抱歉,我忘记带笔记本电脑了。
55. Could you lend me a pen, please? – 你能借我一支笔吗?

56. I\’d like to introduce my colleague. – 我想介绍一下我的同事。
57. This is our company\’s mission statement. – 这是我们公司的使命宣言。
58. We have a strict dress code here. – 我们这里有严格的着装要求。
59. The company values teamwork. – 公司重视团队合作。
60. Our company provides excellent benefits. – 我们公司提供优厚福利。

61. I\’m interested in professional development. – 我对职业发展很感兴趣。
62. I\’m applying for a promotion. – 我在申请晋升。
63. How do I apply for annual leave? – 我如何申请年假?
64. We have a performance-based bonus system. – 我们有绩效奖金制度。
65. I\’m attending a training course next week. – 我下周要参加培训课程。

66. I have a conflict with a colleague. – 我和一个同事有冲突。
67. How can we resolve this issue? – 我们如何解决这个问题?
68. I apologize for the misunderstanding. – 对于这个误解,我道歉。
69. Let\’s find a win-win solution. – 让我们寻找一个双赢的解决方案。
70. We need to address this problem urgently. – 我们需要紧急解决这个问题。

71. I\’m afraid I can\’t attend the meeting. – 恐怕我不能参加会议。
72. I have a doctor\’s appointment that day. – 那一天我有个医生的约会。
73. We should have more team-building exercises. – 我们应该开展更多的团队建设活动。
74. Can we have a short break? – 我们能休息一下吗?
75. Let\’s take a moment to reflect on our progress. – 让我们花点时间反思我们的进展。

76. I have an important announcement to make. – 我有个重要的公告要发布。
77. We need to our company policies. – 我们需要更新公司政策。
78. How do I report an incident? – 我如何报告一起事件?
79. It\’s important to maintain confidentiality. – 保持机密性很重要。
80. We have a no-tolerance policy for harassment. – 我们对骚扰零容忍。

81. How can we improve customer satisfaction? – 我们如何提高客户满意度?
82. We need to exceed our clients\’ expectations. – 我们需要超越客户的期望。
83. Let\’s offer a discount for loyal customers. – 让我们给忠实客户提供折扣。
84. I have a meeting with a potential client. – 我和一个潜在客户有个会议。
85. Can you give me a brief overview of the project? – 你能简要介绍一下这个项目吗?

86. We\’re introducing a new product line. – 我们正在推出一条新的产品线。
87. This campaign has been very successful. – 这次活动取得了很大的成功。
88. We need to increase market share. – 我们需要增加市场份额。
89. Can you analyze the competitor\’s strategy? – 你能分析竞争对手的策略吗?
90. Let\’s conduct a market research. – 让我们进行市场调研。

91. We should focus on cost reduction. – 我们应该专注于成本削减。
92. We\’re implementing a new system. – 我们正在实施一个新系统。
93. Can you provide an estimate for this project? – 你能为这个项目提供一个估计吗?
94. We need to improve our production efficiency. – 我们需要提高生产效率。
95. Let\’s streamline our processes. – 让我们简化流程。

96. I have a suggestion for a new marketing strategy. – 我对一个新的市场营销策略有个建议。
97. Let\’s prioritize our tasks. – 让我们把任务按优先级排序。
98. We\’re launching a new advertising campaign. – 我们正在推出一场新的广告活动。
99. The presentation was well-received. – 这个演讲受到了很好的反响。
100. Let\’s monitor the sales performance. – 让我们监测销售业绩。


关于作者: acad2018



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